Arizona is a beautiful destination that attracts everyone, including the family of stink bugs. These bugs are stinky brown bugs crawling into Arizona residents’ homes. They plan to have a winter camp in a cozy, warm, and hidden place in your home called diapause. The bugs don’t hurt, sting, or reproduce in your home. Instead, their tiny piercing and sucking mouthparts suck the juice from plants with tiny shields to protect themselves from danger. But, as their name implies, stink bugs stink when you crush them. So stay away from crushing them but be mindful of their destruction.

What attracts stink bugs?

These bugs may come out of nowhere, but some factors call them into your home. These insects enjoy sucking on ripe fruits like bananas. They also enter gardens to consume native plants like ornamental shrubs, weeds, and vines. No plant part is safe from stink bugs, including fruits, vegetables, buds, nuts, and blooms. The more crops in your garden, the more interest they have. In addition, the insects enjoy warmth and sunlight. The winter months are their hibernation period when they hide in walls or attics. On the rise of the day when the temperature is warmer, the bugs become active and scavenge. They can easily find their way into spaces, but difficult for them to escape leading to an infestation in your home.

Signs of an Infestation

Stink bugs patrol during the later summer months and autumn because of the low temperature. You can conclude it is an infestation when you find many dead or living bugs in the home. The warm part of the home is where they live. As for gardens, the rate of damage to crops indicates an infestation. During the notice, it is best to seek the help of a licensed stink bug control company to help with the evaluation and assessment of the problem and immediately render help.

How do I keep stink bugs out of my house?

Check entry points.

These bugs get into the home through an entry point which can be cracks or openings. Start by checking these entry points, like window frames where the light gets into the house, door frames, electrical outlets, exterior wood siding, and light fixtures. These entry points required repairs for larger areas and sealing minor entry points with caulk.

Assess exterior lighting.

Light is one thing that attracts stink bugs to the home. A homeowner can avoid infestation by changing exterior light bulbs to yellow or sodium vapor lights. These types of bulbs are less attractive to insects. Sodium vapor lights are used in urban areas to reduce light pollution. They are additionally used on beaches to encourage sea turtle nesting.

Consider chemicals.

Using chemicals is the most efficient way to avoid stink bugs in Arizona. These chemical sprays contain deltamethrin, a powerful substance in killing stink bugs. Spray the chemical on entry points or window areas.

Try a home remedy.

The home remedy or DIY method combines hot water, white vinegar, and dish soap. The mixture is effective in trapping stink bugs. Spraying a bottle with 2 cups of hot water mixed with a cup of vinegar and a half cup of dish soap is recommended. Ensure you spread the chemical directly.

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